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대학소개 과감한 도전! 능동적 혁신!


The power of kit is shaping the future.

keep it up!
kit is cheering you on.
How? We’ll show you.

kit helps you communicate with the world, take on creative challenges, and grow with others.
Create a brighter tomorrow with your own hands at kit, where you can achieve your dreams!
keep it up!
Lead into the future with kit!
kit! Kumoh National Institute of Technology

kit, We-ing toward the future
Based in Gumi, the birthplace of the electronics industry, kit has been unlike any other university from the beginning.
With practical onsite research, kit is not only driving regional development through future engineering, but also fostering visionary talents to propel Korea on the global stage.
So, it’s only natural that the future leaders of tomorrow’s industries are born at kit.
Changing the “impossible” into the “possible” and taking on new challenges with intense passion, we are opening new horizons for the country’s cutting-edge industries.
Open a new world at kit.

We-ing that moves the world
Unafraid of failure, we are driving change through innovation.
The power of kit comes from its future-oriented engineering education.
Even in the whirlwind of rapid changes, kit nurtures the ability to change the world. As a result, kit students fearlessly take on new challenges to reach their goals.

So, are you ready?
We are shaping a new world through innovative research that is transforming local communities into core future industries.
By breaking free from the constraints of the past, delving into and exploring real-life problems, you'll develop your own expertise, and the power to change will find its place within you.
That's how kit grows the power to move the world.

We-ing as a global icon
Amidst today’s technical revolution, new values must be created,
not through conventional skills but groundbreaking technologies that move and inspire people.
kit students are already bridging the gaps between various fields and infinitely expanding their individual competitiveness as engineers with knowledge of humanities.
At kit, learning involves authentic immersion, unconventional challenges, and bold pursuits.
kit students are equipped with a global mindset, the capabilities to tackle interactive and creative challenges, and the ability to network effectively with others.
By transcending the realms of the humanities, arts, and engineering and breaking down the boundaries between study and life, kit students forge their own distinct paths.

kit, We-ing for you
kit will be with you every step of the way, helping you reach your unlimited potential, from tailored career development to job securement.
Ambitious ideas become a reality here at kit.
Interact with international students and foster your growth across cultures.
At kit you can sharpen your skills to drive future industries and lead local businesses. keep it up and amaze the world!
keep it up and shape the future!
Unleash your full potential at kit!
Moving beyond the present and staying one step ahead,
kit pioneers tomorrow by driving future engineering.

Now, it’s your turn.
To achieve your dreams, don’t hesitate. Just keep it up!
kit, Kumoh National Institute of Technology